The Secrets Of The World From Nikola Tesla To Antarctica with Champ Parinya

The Business Artist Podcast - Ein Podcast von Jan Mehlhose


Last week I released an interview with Champ Parinya, the creator of The Great Awakening Map. It was by far the episode with the most downloads ever on my podcast and I received overwhelming reactions from you. His message seems what the world needs right now and for that reason, Champ and myself did another episode where we go deeper down some of the rabbit holes you can discover on The Great Awakening Map. Learn about amazing concepts like sun gazing and liquid food as well as the importance of fluoride-free water and toothpaste. Learn why the world will soon become clean and world peace is coming.

Champ Parinya is an artist and Dzogchen Yogi as well as the creator of the Great Awakening Map. He is attempting to map a higher dimensional state of consciousness known as Hyperspace — a realm existing outside of time that is imbued with opulent, fractal landscapes of intelligent, kaleidoscopic light. His research into transcendental meditations and entheogens has revealed that psychoactive lenses can tune consciousness into receiving higher dimensional frequencies—journeying to see a glimpse into the deepest, darkest levels of existence where singularity and its allure are encountered. His art has been guest curated byMOCA as well as LACMA in Los Angeles.

Some of the questions I ask Champ Parinya:

-  What can you tell us about Nikola Tesla? (02:02)

-  Did anyone follow up with research on Tesla’s insights on the numbers 3, 6 and 9? (11:41)

-  Will the truth be told in mainstream media at some point? (15:02)

-  How can people get fluoride-free water? (25:21)

-  Does fluoride also damage the pineal gland? (27:06)

-  What is a breatharian? (36:23)

-  How could the Baron Trump novels, written in the 19th century, could have so many prophecies in them? (39:42)

-  Are many of our utopian dreams like a clean planet and world peace are already happening right now? (47:21)

-  With the current developments, how long will history books be rewritten soon? (53:51)

-  Who is Semir Osmanagic? (59:26)

-  What is really happening on Antarctica? (1:07:07)

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More about Champ Parinya and the Great Awakening Map:

The Baron Trump novels:

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