The Business of Open-Source: A Conversation with Heather Meeker (Part Two)

In the second half of this episode, Greg continues his illuminating open-source conversation with Heather Meeker, General Partner at OSS Capital. With her deep expertise on both the legal and business strategy sides, Heather shares invaluable insights for investors evaluating commercial open-source startups. Heather outlines key factors investors should consider when assessing these unique companies. She also dives deeper into one vertical she sees as a major open-source opportunity right now. Tune in to hear Heather's guidance for open source investors on what metrics matter most as well as where she sees fertile ground for new commercial open source ventures taking root and scaling over the next 5 years. You'll walk away better equipped to spot the next big players in open-source business software.

Om Podcasten

The Startup Science Podcast, hosted by Gregory Shepard, and produced by ForbesBooks, focuses on conversations in the cross-section of foundership and investing and features best-selling authors like Oren Klaff (Pitch Anything & Flip the Script), David Allen (Getting Things Done), and David Covey COO of FranklinCovey and author of Trap Tales: Outsmarting the 7 Hidden Obstacles to Success. Investing giants like Tim Draper, Leaders like NBA Coach Phill Weber, and newly exited founders like you. With a focus on the common mistakes founders make, perspectives from investors, and founder’s tools, tips, and tactics. Conversations are real, honest, and unfiltered to expose the realities of early-stage while encouraging entrepreneurship with motivational stories and optimistic viewpoints.