The Business of Open-Source: A Conversation with Heather Meeker (Part One)

Heather Meeker, a leading expert on open-source software licensing and business strategy, joins Greg on the podcast. Heather is a General Partner at OSS Capital, an early-stage VC fund investing exclusively in commercial open-source startups. In this episode, Greg and Heather discuss her latest book, "From Project to Profit: How to Build a Business Around Your Open Source Project." They explore Heather's insights on the opportunities and challenges faced by open-source founders seeking to create sustainable businesses. Heather shares her valuable perspective, gained from nearly 30 years of experience advising companies on open source strategy and licensing. Whether you're thinking about launching an open-source startup or looking to scale an existing one, this conversation aims to shed light on turning passion projects into thriving companies.

Om Podcasten

The Startup Science Podcast, hosted by Gregory Shepard, and produced by ForbesBooks, focuses on conversations in the cross-section of foundership and investing and features best-selling authors like Oren Klaff (Pitch Anything & Flip the Script), David Allen (Getting Things Done), and David Covey COO of FranklinCovey and author of Trap Tales: Outsmarting the 7 Hidden Obstacles to Success. Investing giants like Tim Draper, Leaders like NBA Coach Phill Weber, and newly exited founders like you. With a focus on the common mistakes founders make, perspectives from investors, and founder’s tools, tips, and tactics. Conversations are real, honest, and unfiltered to expose the realities of early-stage while encouraging entrepreneurship with motivational stories and optimistic viewpoints.