Chapter 67: Five, 5 & 5

I have received so many questions, and I thought of a fun way to answer some of them. I'm calling it a Five, 5 and 5: 5 books that changed me, 5 small biz bits, and 5 random things about me. Hope they are fun and insightful! 5 Books: Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith Don't Keep Your Day Job by Cathy Heller The Bible   5 Small Biz Bits: - Social Media Face - Vote with your dollars - It's hard but it's worth it and it's hard - passion costs $$ - copycats weren't cool in school and not in biz either   5 things about me: - smile - sunshine - heights - cheesecake - bull   Let's get social - follow Daisy Chain Book Co. on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, or email me at [email protected] Our bookstore offers audiobooks that you can listen to on your iPhone, Android device, or PC. These audiobooks are available through our partner,, and all sales support our store. Choose to support indie bookstores with your audiobooks - it MATTERS. If you are in the Edmonton area, come and see our beautiful store in High Street, and if you are in the community of Beaumont, come and see us on Main St as the only bookshop in town! Location and hours available on our website. For updates on all the bookish events at the bookstore, and an online database of our marvelous books visit Daisy Chain Book Co.  Podcast theme music created and performed by the incredible Kerri Bridgen.

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If you love books, and are even a little curious about what it‘s like to run a Bookshop during a pandemic and be part of a thriving literary community, this is the podcast for you!