The Cosmic Shift: On our relationship w/planets & stars

Friends, this is the first episode for a new podcast called Tending the Roots, which is adjacent to what lives here. It reflects the conversations and explorations of the Rooted Global Village. We attempt to bridge the personal and collective in our reach towards healing (wholeness) and personal and collective liberation. We also have an exciting summer project we'd like to invite you to join! 

I grew up looking into the night sky and the heavens above me.  Without concepts that defined the movement of planets and stars, or the mathematics to describe them, I would orient my head and neck upwards, captivated by the beauty of this cosmic mystery stretched out above my head. So expansive that it would take my breath away.  

For those of us who have been sold a narrative that there is only one way we can be in relationship with the heavens, only one way to make sense of it through Western scientific knowledge, we may have a disconnected sense of this vital connection. Much like a muscle that’s atrophied; it’s been neglected and underused for important reasons. Many of us have been force fed what scholar Arturo Escobar calls the “One World Story”; a story that has also attempted to eradicate other stories about who we are and our place in the web of life.  

This episode reflects one point in a journey that we’ve been on for a while now in Rooted, tracing an arc of exploration as it relates to how we might begin to reimagine relationship and belonging.  Here we consider how we might begin to enliven the seen and unseen strands that connect us to a broader web of relationships.  

This summer in Rooted, we're embarking on a project centered on rekindling a relationship that for many of us has been flattened; reduced to a specific thing that can only be known by experts with advanced degrees. We will reclaim the fullness of an experience of kinship. Let’s infuse this muscle of kinship again through shared practice, storytelling, and art-making.

We are bringing our full bodies to play with Venus this summer. Our friend, Bear Ryver, has referred to these celestial bodies as our cosmic ancestors. I am giddy with excitement for the journey and hope you might join us! 


Om Podcasten

Parenting can lead us to a threshold in life we hadn’t known before. We're bringing into the parenting dynamic with our kids the momentum of our previous experiences - our resources and resilience, as well as our disconnection and disembodiment due to trauma (individual, familial, cultural, historical & intergenerational).  Beyond the challenges we face to parent in ways we may not have been parented, there is a deep love for our children that wants to be expressed and known in presence with them. There's also a yearning in us to experience that deep love ourselves; to feel our power and to live authentically, just as we yearn to protect that for our kids, too. The urgency to heal what's still alive within us might come up with a force because of them, and yet it's ultimately a reclamation of our life force, vitality, joy, connection and creativity we're most hungry for. It’s sometimes a desire bold as love that fuels our courage to meet what we fear to face.