095 How Adaptogens Work with Samantha Attard

Stress can manifest in a number of ways - it might be trouble focusing, difficulty sleeping, or hyper vigilance. But when I also started losing hair by the handful this past year - I knew I needed something else. Adding an adaptogen to my supplement regimen did the trick but I had more questions. How do they work? Is it just mushrooms? Are they all created equal? So I reached out to Samantha Attard - an Ayurvedic coach and yoga instructor with a PHD in nutrition who is sharing everything she knows about adaptogens and how to get started. You’ll learn: What adaptogens are and how to use them Which ones work best for stress And where to get started if you need a little immune and nervous system boost All the links: - Sam’s website - spirocollective.com  - Happy Healthy Human Radio (Samantha’s podcast) - @spirocollective on IG - www.aewellness.com/mavens - Movement Mavens waitlist - www.aewellness.com/podcast - Show notes, links and more. - Join the free Body Nerds FB community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/aewbodynerds/  - Come hang out with me on Instagram @hollaformala : https://instagram.com/hollaformala/  - Bodywork Starter Guide - learn the 6 places you need to roll right now for quick-relief, plus the reason why what you’ve tried so far has only given you a temporary fix. Download the guide for free now at www.aewellness.com/bodywork  - 818-396-6501 is the Body Nerd Hotline - how do you build consistency and/or where are you getting stuck? Drop me a line and let me know your body nerd hacks - you might just hear your voice on a future episode!

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If you’re ready to break up with all the things you’re doing that only give you temporary relief and learn how to get on the fast track to feeling amazing every single day (without it being overly complicated or unsustainable) - this show is for you. Whether it’s low back pain, sciatica, knee pain, arthritis, neck pain, TMJ, rotator cuff issues or shoulder pain - life without pain is 100% possible (no matter how old you are). Alexandra Ellis from AE Wellness teaches you how to use self-care and movement to stronger, more flexible and out of pain, ASAP.