Pandemic Normal?

In 2020, birth professionals were all navigating all kinds of shifting policies and ideas about how to keep safe while continuing to serve families as a novel virus and resulting pandemic emerged. As we close in on the 3rd year of learning and pivoting through it all, we’re seeing some things go “back to normal” and others remaining changed. In this episode of The Birth Geeks Podcast, Robin & Hillary talk about COVID changes that we’ve seen come and go. What is the science behind these changes and what is the new normal looking like where you are? We dive into our observations and frustrations with it all, while keeping in mind the structural, social, & policy perspectives that are shaping the way that birth workers approach their jobs now.

Om Podcasten

Being a childbirth professional can make everyday conversations awkward and your life can be really hard for people to understand. Twice a month, Robin Elise Weiss and Hillary Melchiors geek out with each other and some brilliant guests about all things childbirth related. If you are a childbirth professional trying to make change while keeping your business afloat and hopefully thriving, you’ve found your people!