Expert Interview: Sharon Muza, BS, CD(DONA) BDT(DONA), LCCE, FACCE, CLE

In this 9th episode of The Birth Geeks Podcast, Robin interviews Sharon Muza about being an independent childbirth educator in Seattle, Washington, along with all the other hats that she wears as a childbirth professional. They talk about competing with Elvis for students' attention, the horrors of Seattle traffic, & how to communicate with expecting parents without scaring them. Hillary reviews some health literacy resources that just might change the way you communicate with your students. 

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Being a childbirth professional can make everyday conversations awkward and your life can be really hard for people to understand. Twice a month, Robin Elise Weiss and Hillary Melchiors geek out with each other and some brilliant guests about all things childbirth related. If you are a childbirth professional trying to make change while keeping your business afloat and hopefully thriving, you’ve found your people!