"I am strong enough and I have everything I need" - Dispatches from the road - Danube Sea to Source with Kieran Alger - The Big Run Episode 101
The Big Run - Ein Podcast von formacircle

Hello and welcome to a special edition mid-week dispatch courtesy of Keiran Alger aka Man v Miles as he tackles the Danube from Sea to Source. No mean feat. Roughly 2000 miles. A marathon or more, every day for two months. Kieran kindly sent in this dispatch from day 14 of his epic adventure. In it he talks about being on high alert for wild dogs, the mantra’s he swears by, how the body is holding up, the random kindness of strangers and how valuable moments of the sanctuary have been… Keiran is doing this to help raise money for poverty-impacted children to see the information below about how to donate and maybe even get involved. 1. DONATE TO THE CHARITIES: Kieran is raising money for poverty-impacted children worldwide. Even £1 can help give those children a better chance. All donations gratefully received. https://bit.ly/3xO4Kjo 2. THE ROUTE https://www.komoot.com/collection/1431715/-running-the-danube-sea-to-source 3. RUN WITH KIERAN Fancy joining a leg? Hit us up here in the comments or message Kieran on Instagram or Twitter (http://www.instagram.com/manvmiles / http:///www.twitter.com/kieranalger). 4. MORE ABOUT THE CHALLENGE HERE: https://youtu.be/fiNNfiOXrl8