William Tyndale and the English Reformation

The Bible Study with Steven Lawson - Ein Podcast von Steven Lawson - Donnerstags

William Tyndaleand the English Reformation • Philip Schaff called the Reformation of the sixteenth century “the turning point of modern history.”• He added the Reformation was, “next to the introduction of Christianity, the greatest event in history...thechief propelling force in the history of modern civilization.” PRE-REFORMERS INITIATE1330—John Wycliffe born in England• Oxford professor• Became leading intect in England, Europe1382—Wycliffe Bible translated into English• from Latin into Middle English,• Stiff, wooden translation, handcopied1384—Wycliffe dies, Lutterworth, England1401—"On the Burning of Heretics”• legislation passes by Parliament• Translating, owning English Bible, death• Attempts to suppress the influence of Wycliffe1408—"Constitutions of Oxford”• It’s a “dangerous thing” to translate Scripture in English1415—Council of Constance• John Hus burned as martyr• Leader of Bohemian church• Pastored Bethlehem Chapel, Prague Steven J. LawsonMen’s Bible StudyEnglish Reformation 2 • Wycliffe condemned, body exhumed• Wycliffe removed from sacred ground in church yard1428—Wycliffe’s body dug up, burned• Ashes scattered into Swift River1450—Johannes Gutenberg perfects printing press1455—Gutenberg Bible printedREFORMERS BORN1483—Martin Luther born, Eisleben, Germany1483—Ulrich Zwingli born, Switzerland1494—William Tyndale born, near Gloustershire, England1506—Tyndale enters Magdalen Hall, Oxford• Age 12, normal for that time• Studies here for next ten years1509—John Calvin born, Navon, France• His father, lawyer in the Catholic Church• Raised in Catholic church, to be priest1512—Tyndale earns Bachelor of Arts, Oxford1514—John Knox born, Scotland1515—Tyndale earns Master of Arts, Oxford• Stunningly brilliant, linguistic genius• Would become proficient in eight languagesREFORMATION BEGINS1516—Erasmus compiles Greek New Testament• Leading humanist of his day Steven J. LawsonMen’s Bible StudyEnglish Reformation 3 • Cambridge professor• Travels Europe, collects Greek manuscripts1516—Tyndale studies at Cambridge• Continues intellectual pursuit1517—Pope Leo X authorizes indulgences1517—Luther posts 95 Theses• In response to sale of indulgences by Rome1519—Luther converted reading Greek New Testament1520—Tyndale joins White Horse Inn• Small group Bible study• Studying Luther’s writings• Called “Little Germany”• Produced leaders of English Reformation• 8 martyrs from this group• Tyndale converted, becomes Reformed1521—Luther, Diet of Worms• Stands heresy trial before authorities• Condemned as heretic, death sentence1521—Tyndale becomes private tutor• Leaves Cambridge to study the Scripture more carefully• Realizes all England is lost• Must translate Bible into English• “plough boy in field know more than pope” Steven J. LawsonMen’s Bible StudyEnglish Reformation 4 1522—Luther translates New Testament into German• Produced while he was kidnapped in Wartburg Castle1523—Tyndale denied translation into English• Travels to London to receive permission• Refused, must leave England• Businessman agrees to support himTYNDALE DEPARTS1524—Tyndale leaves England for Europe• Nowhere in England to do the work• Never to return, never to marry1524—Tyndale arrives in Hamburg, Germany1524—Tyndale travels to Wittenberg1525—Tyndale translates English New Testament, Cologne, Germany• Largest city in Germany, easiest to hide• Finished New Testament• Raid on print shop at Matthew 22:131526—Tyndale publishes English New Testament, Worms, Germany• Travels to Worms, Germany on Rhine River into North Sea• Smuggles Bibles into England, Scotland1528—Tyndale writes The Parable of the Wicked Mammon• Teaches justification by faith1528—Tyndale writes The Obedience of a Christian Man• Teaches obedience to the king Steven J. LawsonMen’s Bible StudyEnglish Reformation 5 1528—Three agents dispatched, find Tyndale• Returns empty handed without Tyndale1528—John West dispatched, find Tyndale• Returns without Tyndale1529—Tyndale translates Pentateuch into English, Antwerp• Monumental effort1529—Tyndale sails for Elbe River, shipwrecked, translation lost1529—Tyndale retranslates the Pentateuch, Hamburg, Germany• Reunited with Miles Coverdale, Cambridge classmate• Requires ten months to complete the project1529—Tyndale moves to Antwerp, Belgium• Remains elusive, anonymous1529—More, A Dialogue Concerning Heresies• Sir Thomas More unleashed brutal public attack• Called Tyndale captain of English heretics, hell-bound in devil’s kennel, new Judas, worse thanSodom and Gomorrah, idolater, devil-worshipper, beast out of whose brutish, beastly mouthcomes filthy foam1530—Tyndale publishes Pentateuch in English, Antwerp• Uses pseudonym Hans Luft, Marburg• Includes glossaries, introductions• Smuggled into England, distributed1530—Tyndale, The Practice of Prelates• Attacks rites, doctrines, corruptions of Rome1530—Stephen Vaughan dispatched, find Tyndale• English merchants, sympathetic to Reformed cause Steven J. LawsonMen’s Bible StudyEnglish Reformation 6 • Offered Tyndale safe passage back to England, salary• Tyndale agreed on one condition• If Henry VIII choose another translator1531—Vaughan returns empty handed• “I always find him always singing one note”1531—Sir Thomas Elyot dispatched to Europe• Apprehend Tyndale, return him to the king• Tyndale not to be found1531—Tyndale translates Jonah into English• Desires it be preached to England• “Forty day, London destroyed”1531—Tyndale writes Answer, defends translation1532—More, Confutation of Tyndale’s Answer• Massive writing, half million words• Calls Tyndale traitor to England, heretic1534—Henry VIII named Head of Church of England• Denied annulment of his marriage• Pulls England out of Catholic Church• Parliament passes Act of Supremacy, monarch head of church1534—Tyndale moves into house of English merchants, Antwerp• John Rogers joins Tyndale, Coverdale• Rogers converted under Tyndale’s witness• Rogers will complete Tyndale’s translation Steven J. LawsonMen’s Bible StudyEnglish Reformation 7 1534—Tyndale revises Pentateuch, Antwerp1534—Tyndale revises New Testament, Antwerp• 4000 edits to his 1526 printing• Called “the glory of his life’s work”1535—Tyndale re-edits New Testament, Antwerp• Makes yet more edits, though fewer1535—Tyndale translates Joshua-2 Chronicles• Completes historical section of Old TestamentTYNDALE MARTYRED1535—Henry Phillips dispatched, find Tyndale• Had gambled away father’s estate• Church of England promises to repay1535—Tyndale arrested, Antwerp1535—Tyndale imprisoned, Vilvoorde Castle, Belgium• Held 500 days, 18 months in castle• Miserable conditions1535—Coverdale Bible published• Unknown to Tyndale, Coverdale completes Old Testament• But not from Hebrew1536—Tyndale tried, charged, martyred• Mock trial, charged with heresy• God, open the eyes of the king• Tyndale hung, burned, blown up Steven J. LawsonMen’s Bible StudyEnglish Reformation 8 REFORMATION SPREADS1536—Calvin writes Institute of the Christian Religion• Greatest work of Reformation• Explains true Christianity to French King1536—Calvin enters Geneva• Road detour, unintentional destination• Recognized as author, Institutes• Charged to stay or be cursed1537—Rogers publishes Matthew Bible• Edits Old Testament portions translated by Coverdale• Publishes entire Bible, Tyndale’s work, his edits1538—Calvin expelled from Geneva• For fencing Lord’s Table• Departs for Geneva1541—Calvin returns to Geneva• Geneva begs Calvin to return• Begins with next verse of last exposition• Preaches there for next 23 years 1545—Council of Trent meets• Meeting of Roman Catholic leaders• Launches Counter Reformation• Produces first Catholic doctrinal statement• Declares anathema on Reformers, believers of gospels of grace Steven J. LawsonMen’s Bible StudyEnglish Reformation 9 1546—Luther dies in Germany• “I want to be as well known in hell as in heaven”• Preaches last sermon in Eisleben• “God put the power in the Word.”1547—King Henry VIII dies1547—Edward VI, King of England• Boy king, age 9• Protestant king, makes Reformed policies1549—Book of Common Prayer published1549—Act of Uniformity passed1553—Edward VI dies• Dies at age 15• Reformed cause halted1553—Mary I, Queen of England• Bloody Mary assumes throne• Staunch Catholic• Begins martyrdom of Protestants1553—John Knox leaves England for Europe1555—Rogers martyred, Smithfield, London• Charged with heresy• Fist Marian martyr1555—Latimer, Ridley martyred, Oxford• Burned to death at same stake Steven J. LawsonMen’s Bible StudyEnglish Reformation 10 • Latimer, “Play the man Master Ridley”1558—Mary I dies, age 42• A mercy of relief to Reformed believers1558—Elizabeth I, Queen of England• Half-sister assumes throne• Chooses halfway house, compromise• Combines Reformed truth, Catholic worship1559—John Knox returns to Scotland• Launches Scottish Reformation1560—Geneva Bible published• Translated into English• First English Bible with chapter divisions• Included study notes1560s—Puritan Age begins• Attempt to purify worship within Church of England1564—Calvin dies in Geneva• Concludes 25 years pastorate1572—St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre1603—Elizabeth I, dies, age 691603—James I becomes King of England1611—King James Version• 90% of New Testament was Tyndale’s work1618—Synod of Dort, refutes Arminianism

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