238// Can Mold Really Make You Sick? Symptoms of Toxic Mold + The Best Mold Test to Get
THE BETTER BELLY PODCAST - Natural Constipation Remedies, Acid Reflux, Hormones, Gut Health, Functional Medicine - Ein Podcast von Allison Jordan FDN-P | Functional Gut Health Coach | Constipation and Bloat Expert - Donnerstags

Have symptoms no doctor can explain? Feel like you've tried everything to heal? You may be dealing with mold! Learn the top symptoms of toxic mold, and how to test your home and body to see if YOU'RE dealing mold illness. ---Do you feel like you've done a MILLION protocols, including parasite cleanses, heavy metal protocols, candida cleanses, elimination diets, and more - all without getting relief from your symptoms?Do you have symptoms like brain fog, shooting pain, sudden flashes of cold, or poor temperature regulation that your doctors can't explain?Do you feel like no matter how many protocols you do, supplements you take, or diet changes you make, your symptoms don't go away (or stay away)?Have you burned through loads of cash and doctors trying to figure out the root cause of your symptoms, without seemingly anything to show for it?If so, you may be dealing with mold!If you said yes to any of these questions, then THIS episode is for you!Continuing with week 6 of our 7 pathogen series, today I'm going over the 6th pathogen you need to check for if you aren't healing: Mold. Continuing with week 6 of our 7 pathogen series, today I'll be going over: What Mold Illness isCommon Toxic Mold symptoms (like bloating, constipation, diarrhea, candida, and SIBO!)Why Mold Illness gets overlookedWhat testing is best for mold (for your body, and to test your home)When and why mold protocols failsWhat a GOOD mold protocol looks like (giving you my EXACT 3-step mold treatment plan)I'm going to debunk every single myth about mold that I can think of, because the #1 reason that clients who work with me AREN'T feeling better is because of ALL the things that can get overlooked - but don't HAVE to be overlooked.In part 6 of this series, I'm going to point you to the FASTEST way to heal from mold. Because NO pathogen needs to be ruling your life. It's time to feel your best, have energy, and get back to your life.It's time to heal from toxic mold.EPISODES MENTIONED:Mold Month Series:Ep. 220// 100 Signs of Toxic Mold Exposure: How Many Do You Have?Ep. 222// 5 Signs of Hidden Mold, with Brian Karr (YesWeInspect)Ep. 223// The 3-Step Mold Treatment PlanEp. 224// Mold & Emotions: 3 Tips for How to Balance Mold, Emotions, and HealingEp. 225// My Tinnitus Journey: Mold Caused It, How I’ve Been Treating ItEp. 226// The Mold-Lyme Connection: How to Treat Mold Toxicity and Lyme Disease TogetherResiliency Radio Podcast: Winning Legal Cases for Clients Harmed by Toxic Mold (Dr. Jill Carnahan ft. Kristina Baehr)HEAL FROM...