219// Why You Need to Care About Mold Illness NOW
THE BETTER BELLY PODCAST - Natural Constipation Remedies, Acid Reflux, Hormones, Gut Health, Functional Medicine - Ein Podcast von Allison Jordan FDN-P | Functional Gut Health Coach | Constipation and Bloat Expert - Donnerstags

Do you feel better every time you're on a protocol, but as soon as you stop your supplements or diet restrictions, your symptoms come back?Have you done a SIBO, parasite, or candida protocol multiple times, only to find that retesting shows you STILL have it?Do you feel like you've tried EVERYTHING to heal your body, but nothing has worked?Do you have symptoms across your body that can't be explained by doctors, symptoms like brain fog, fatigue, eczema, constipation, acid reflux, bloating, hormone imbalance, or PMS?If you said yes to ANY of these question, then you need to care about something called mold illness. Mold illness is caused by being exposed to toxins that mold produced called MYCOTOXINS. It's different than a mold allergy, and so it's typically ignored completely by conventional medicine. Here on the Better Belly Podcast, we are having a Mold Month Series during August where every episode is dedicated to educating you about mold, how to know if you have it, and what to do about it if you do. This series is designed for those new to the mold conversation and those who've been in it for a while. If you're new to the idea of mold, though, you likely have a big fat question of: "Do I really need to care about this?"On today's episode, I'm addressing my top reasons on WHY you should be seriously considering that mold may be apart of your chronic health problems. HEAL YOUR GUT AND HORMONES:Want to heal your gut and hormones - for good? Watch this FREE training to learn the top reasons you aren't healing, PLUS how to heal the FASTEST possible using the Gut Healer SystemRESOURCES:Subscribe to the Better Belly Podcast to hear the entire Mold Month Series!Get Full Access to my Liver Detox Protocol for only $7!Download my Free Constipation Relief GuideDownload the entire Better Belly Podcast Vault!Get the Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis SpreadsheetLINKS:JOIN → Join our FREE Facebook Group FOLLOW → @betterbellytherapies ASK → Ask a Question for the PodcastWORK WITH US →