Naming him ‘Little Hitler’ Probably Didn’t Help Our Relationship

In this episode: Kent talks about some of the challenges and pitfalls newly elected officeholders face, offers tips for handling campaign events and speeches, and recalls with pride some of the top-notch people who have worked for him over the years — including some funny episodes involving a few of them. How did Kent’s Washington DC chief of staff describe working for him? When people tell you something can’t be done, don’t believe them, but be sure you know when the cost is too high

Om Podcasten

Host Kent Hance shares insightful, educational and often hilarious stories from his legendary life as a lawyer, a former U.S. Congressman, a university chancellor, and most notably, a native Texan. With themes ranging from leadership to politics and great friendships with some colorful characters, this podcast is an opportunity for Hance to share some of his rare, behind-the-scenes experiences and to solidify his unofficial title as The Best Storyteller in Texas.