The Creative Path to Climate Solutions

The 28th annual United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as COP28, begins this week. As global leaders convene to address the urgent challenges of our planet's changing climate, two creative minds join Audie to explore how we process the climate crisis. She explores how these creators infuse hope into their narratives, envisioning a world where art and storytelling inspire action and solutions.  For all of CNN’s COP28 coverage, go to  GUESTS  Sam Alfred is a video game designer from Cape Town, South Africa, who created Terra Nil, a mobile strategy game that challenges players to transform desolate landscapes into flourishing ecosystems.   Sequoia Nagamatsu is an author and professor. His book "How High We Go in the Dark," explores a future shaped by environmental crisis and generational resilience.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Each week on The Assignment, host Audie Cornish pulls listeners out of their digital echo chambers to hear from the people whose lives intersect with the news cycle. From the sex work economy to the battle over what’s taught in classrooms, no topic is off the table. Listen to The Assignment every Monday and Thursday.