The Americans S:3 | E:10 Stingers | Slate TV Club

Each week on Slate's TV Club Insider podcast, the creators, cast, and crew of The Americans reveal behind-the-scenes details about the making of the FX drama's third season.  In this installment about the tenth episode, “Stingers,” Holly Taylor, who plays Paige Jennings, and editor Dan Valverde join script coordinator Molly Nussbaum and executive producers Joel Fields and Joe Weisberg to discuss one of the biggest moments in the series thus far.    Note: This podcast contains spoilers and is meant to be enjoyed after you watch the episode.

Om Podcasten

Go deeper inside the world of FX's 1980s spy drama. Join host June Thomas every week after the show for a new in-depth conversation with the cast, crew, and creators as they reveal behind-the-scenes details about the making of each episode. New episodes air Wednesdays at 10 p.m. on FX.