Amber Lilyestrom on False Supports: What they are & how to remove them
IGNITE YOUR DREAM - Ein Podcast von Amber Lilyestrom - Dienstags

Have you ever found yourself surrounded by “support systems” that you believe you need to be successful, safe, loved, respected (the list goes on…?) This episode is all about removing the false supports we keep in our lives that we’ve convinced ourselves are necessary for our highest good, when in reality, they can be used as a weapon against ourselves to hold us back. I can’t wait for you to listen! In This Episode: [ :45 ] Recovering from our ELEVATE Retreat [ 1:15 ] Learn about Bridgitte Carroll’s GutPersonal [ 3:15 ] Removing false supports and what that means [ 12:00 ] Taking our dreams more seriously Links Mentioned: Check out GutPersonal and take the quiz! BIG Announcement coming on Sunday: get on the list so you can be the first to know! Tag me in your big shifts + takeaways: @amberlilyestrom Did you hear something you loved here today?! Leave a Review + Subscribe via iTunes Listen on Spotify