Greatest Hits from AW + LP: Volume One

In this episode, we: - Pick up where we left off in Episode 44, talking about why we need to share our greatest hits and not hoard our ideas (if you haven't listened to episode 44, we recommend going back there for context!) - Share a few of our greatest hits - some of the phrases, analogies, and stories we tell over and over again because we see the results and impact of them - Share the context where we find ourselves sharing these hits so that they can help you too! - Answer Michelle’s question about how to prove your worth at work *AND* we have something exciting up our sleeves for the next two episodes, something we’ve never done - so we’ll give you some juicy details about that.

Om Podcasten

The Amanda Wagner Podcast is the place to eavesdrop and participate in conversations about making choices about how you spend your time, who you surround yourself with, and figuring out what you want to be known for. This is a place to talk about the challenges of bravery, living thoughtfully and strategically, and finding a way to be known for something. Your hosts are ambitious, thoughtful women who both want to be known for something, and decided to stop waiting for things to be ‘just so’. As clients zero and one of AW, we openly share our thoughts and experiences as we discuss the lives we want to live, the impact we want to have on the world, and what we want to be known for.