Perspectives on friendships: A model for mapping our acquaintances to your inner circle (part one!)

In part one of this episode, we: - Share the ‘four quarters over 10 dimes’ approach to friendship - Give you a tool to assess the friendships in your life and explain how we see our relationships as flexible and evolving - Explain how we characterize our friendships with our innermost confidants, to our social connections and outer network - Answer a question about dealing with professional envy and personal impatience when you know it’s not the right time to grow your business

Om Podcasten

The Amanda Wagner Podcast is the place to eavesdrop and participate in conversations about making choices about how you spend your time, who you surround yourself with, and figuring out what you want to be known for. This is a place to talk about the challenges of bravery, living thoughtfully and strategically, and finding a way to be known for something. Your hosts are ambitious, thoughtful women who both want to be known for something, and decided to stop waiting for things to be ‘just so’. As clients zero and one of AW, we openly share our thoughts and experiences as we discuss the lives we want to live, the impact we want to have on the world, and what we want to be known for.