Episode 257: Multiverse Travel

Brothers, welcome back to the Alpha Male Podcast as today, I take you back to being versus doing; energy versus matter. Because brothers, that’s the basis of everything we do, right? It’s our awakening to the universal truth that our thoughts inform our actions which in turn create our results. It’s shifting our vibrational frequencies to enlightenment; it’s energy moving matter.  Now, brothers, we don’t see ourselves as interdimensional travelers because we are rooted in the third dimension. We are grounded in the matrix of our bodily experience, forgetting that we are, in fact, beings of light who are capable of reincarnating into a new dimension at any given moment. Because we are inherently reality-creating machines – we birth things into existence with our thoughts. And that is because of our consciousness; it is because of our capacity to lead with intention; it’s because of the gift of choice.  You see, scientists embarked on an experiment to try and unpack the concept of randomness. They created a random effect generator – a machine wired to produce random sequences – and discovered that from the completely randomly generated results of 50-50, a person would lean more toward one side when given a particular intention. Isn’t that wild, brothers, that objective test results can be swayed by the whispers of one’s mind! And that is what it means to be a multiverse traveler. You are already an interdimensional being, but fear and doubt are holding you back from unleashing your full potential. That is why we are going to Columbia in October: to help you see the matrix, to help you realize that we are so much more than the third dimension.  And when you tap into the universal truth, when you are awakened to the model of alignment and are living with intention, then you will be well on your way toward elevating your alpha.  Once you shift your frequency, brother, once you change your vibration, it's not a matter of doing. You are already traveling.

Om Podcasten

The Alpha Male Coach Podcast is the only podcast that guides intelligent, spiritual men who are awakening to their predicament of living in a limited reality. As we continue to grow and learn through life experiences, we become increasingly aware that there is more to life than what we've been told and taught. Questions like 'Who Am I, Where Am I From, and Why Am I Here" are all a part of this beautiful awakening process. Master Life Coach and Spiritual Guide Kevin Aillaud combines neuroscience, quantum physics, mysticism, and coaching wisdom to teach men just like you how to remember the Truth and live a life of joy, love, bliss, harmony, peace, healing, and unity. You will learn how to let go of the trauma that keeps you in anger, frustration, worry, doubt, fear, shame, and guilt and transmute these energies into attractive forces, enabling you to meet women, build confidence, start a business that you love, enjoy more friendships, and elevate the Alpha within. Enroll in The Academy For Consciousness Expansion (ACE) at thealphamalecoach.com/the-academy.