Episode 4.9 - Dutch Revolt Pt 9 - Frederick Henry

The 30 Years War has helped rekindle the 80 Years War, and the Dutch are again fighting for their nation's survival. But now they do so as a burgeoning major power on the European stage, led by William the Silent's youngest son, the new Prince of Orange, Frederick Henry. The Dutch stave off conquest and are formerly recognized by Spain and the rest of the world as an independent power with the Peace of Munster, a constituent part of the Peace of Westphalia.

Om Podcasten

The podcast focuses on the lives and times of great historical figures that have mostly fallen through the cracks of our collective memories. We may have heard of these people, but they don't get the attention that some do. Here, they get their due. http://almostforgotten.squarespace.com on Twitter: @thealmostforgot