Truth, Lies and ETs | Ep20

Alien UFO Podcast - Ein Podcast von Simon Bown

This week I'm talking to Don Donderi about his book 'Truth, Lies and ETs: How We Stumbled into the Universe'.Earth is in the middle of a revolution. It might lead us to more knowledge about ourselves, our place in the universe and the universe itself, or it might lead us to catastrophe. This book is a report on seventy-five years of history during which extraterrestrials (ETs) and their extraterrestrial vehicles (ETVs;, which used to be called UFOs) – have made themselves a part of life on earth.Don Donderi, psychology professor at McGill University in Montreal (retired), tells us in Truth, Lies and ETs: How we Stumbled into the Universe, that Alien visitors have been kidnapping humans and treating us like specimens for at least 75 years. Beginning during the last years of World War 2, visitors from elsewhere in the Universe began arriving in their “flying saucers.” They haven’t left, and have been observing and experimenting with us ever since. The uninvited extraterrestrial visitors (ETs) kidnap and examine people; interfere with human reproduction to create hybrid human-aliens, and come and go as they please.While every part of this story has been told before by careful and dedicated researchers, Donderi assembles it all into one easily accessible volume that makes it hard to ignore: what is really happening (Truth), how governments have tried to conceal what is happening (Lies), and who is doing this to us (ETs).His book is a concise summary of our current uncertain status on the planet that we used to think was ours alone. It brings together facts that, taken one at a time, might easily be dismissed, forgotten or ignored. But when the simultaneous impact of all the facts are considered, one conclusion is inescapable, that we humans are no longer masters of our planet. Extraterrestrials treat us the way we routinely treat earth’s lesser species: tracking, capturing, and breeding them and keeping them under surveillance. We have to realize that this is happening before we can act together to regain control of our destiny on earth.BioDon Donderi was educated at the University of Chicago, which he entered at 15. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree at 18 and a B.Sc. in biological psychology at 21. He began his professional career as a research psychologist with IBM where he helped to develop radar navigation displays for the B-52 bomber. After graduating from Cornell University with a PhD in experimental psychology he joined the Faculty of Science of McGill University, where he taught undergraduate psychology, trained PhD students and served as Associate Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. He retired from McGill in 2009 after a career of 47 years. He has written over one hundred basic research papers and technical reports dealing with the science of human visual perception and memory, co-authored one textbook and edited another. He co-founded a Toronto-based ergonomics consulting company and has carried out applied research and development projects for private and government clients on topics including flight instrumentation, flight simulation, marine navigation in ocean and arctic environments, nuclear safety and chemical process engineering. His entire career has been in the mainstream of science and engineering. a supporter of this podcast:

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