Aliens & Ancient Mysteries | Ep51

Alien UFO Podcast - Ein Podcast von Simon Bown

This week I'm talking to Brian Allan about his book 'BOOK OF SECRETS: Aliens, Ghosts and Ancient Mysteries'.In ‘Book of Secrets: Aliens, Ghosts and Ancient Mysteries’, the internationally acknowledged paranormal researcher and editor of Phenomena Magazine, Brian Allan, presents many of the puzzles and enigmas that have confronted the human race since the beginning of time. The author considers everything from the Vimanas in ancient India that seem to have been flying war machines, to what actually occurred at the now apparently abandoned base at Montauk. He also seeks the truth about just who did build the pyramids, could we really be descended from ancient Martians, and are the two connected? He also asks who were The Watchers, are they connected to the Nephilim and is time travel even possible? Are UFOs and ET’s actually demonic in nature and what really lies hidden in the Vatican’s Secret Archives? All this and much, much more is examined in the pages of this book.BioAbout the Author: Hello, my name is Brian Allan and I was born in early March 1944, which makes me a Pisces, and I have had an abiding interest in paranormal and occult phenomena in all their varied forms for as long as I can remember. Although I have experienced strange and unusual encounters from a very early age, I had initially confined my interest in the subject to a passive role involving studying the subject via books etc, and it is only in the past thirty years or so that I actually became involved in a 'hands on' basis.During this relatively short period of time I have been privileged to meet some genuinely fascinating and spiritual people and witness at first hand some truly wondrous sights. Many people have asked if I have ever encountered anything truly paranormal, like have I ever seen a UFO, or have I ever seen a ghost, the answer to both these questions is 'yes', I have, and in the case of ghosts more than once. In the course of my investigations, initially with Strange Phenomena Investigations (SPI), and latterly with Paranormal Encounters Group (PEG) a group which is co-run with my wife, Ann, I have investigated hauntings, poltergeist infestations, possessions, UFO encounters and sightings, claims of alien abduction, in fact the entire spectrum of events that take place across the psychic battlefield, and on occasion it is indeed a battlefield. In almost all of these investigations, what the people involved experienced was, to them at least, absolutely real and in no case did any of them lie about what they encountered, indeed some of them were absolutely terrified and that is understandable. Happily, in almost all of these instances I am delighted to say that at the very least we were able to bring a measure of help and relief to those affected, and fortunately were able to resolve the problems.In addition to this, while involved with these cases I have been privileged to work and associate with some of the most talented, sensitive and gifted people it is possible to meet. They are the incredibly sensitive individuals who regularly bridge the narrow divide between the normal and the paranormal; they are the mediums and psychics without whom much of what I have seen and done would not be possible. As a result of these events and encounters I have reached certain conclusions based, not on ideas derived from other people's accounts but, instead, from hard-won first hand experience. It is these experiences that have allowed me to draw some conclusions that do not meet with the approval of, what shall I call them, hard core 'enthusiasts', particularly in the field of Ufology, who can see no further than their own, narrow, blinkered paradigm. Indeed it is something of a contradiction to note that, given the very nature of the phenomenon, those who should be the most receptive to different viewpoints are frequently the most narrow minded, dogmatic and defensive. The conclusions I have reached...

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