Life as a Super Soldier in the Secret Space Program - with Penny Bradley
The AJ Roberts Show - Ein Podcast von AJ Roberts

Today on the AJ Roberts Show we are extremely lucky to be joined by a former 'Super Soldier' of the post WW2 secret space program, Penny Bradley. Penny Bradley was abducted from her home at age 4 by men in green fatigues who took her to Langley Air Force Base in Virginia [1959]. She spent 5 years there being mind fractured and her abilities weaponised, with a side trip to the infamous Montauk in 1961/62. Out of the thousand children initially part of this project, only 20 were still alive in 1964 when the 'graduates' were sent through the Long Island jumpgate [artificial wormhole] to Mars. She spent 10 years in Schule on Mars and then 15 as a fighter pilot. In 1990, the war on Mars was resolved and she was transferred to the German deep space military known as Nacht Waffen. She was age regressed and returned to within 15 minutes of her initial abduction in 2014. And in 2021, the CIA Archivist who uploaded her file to the computer verified that what she remembers is in that file. Tune in to one of the most fascinating episodes you'll see to date Make sure you subscribe to AJ Roberts weekly newsletter at