AFP 189 - Emily Harris: Language Learning, Culture, and Perfectionism as a Transracial Adoptee

In this podcast episode, language learner and transracial adoptee Emily Harris discusses her own experiences as an adoptee when it comes to learning her heritage language, and her experiences with perfectionism and finding balance in language learning. She also talks about her language learning journey, including her initial attraction to German and her future language goals, such as learning Persian and improving her Arabic skills. Harris emphasizes the importance of individualized goals and finding a learning schedule that works for one's energy level and personal life. She also shares her language learning content on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and a new podcast called "The Language Wellness and Identity Podcast." Follow Emily Harris: YouTube: Language Travel Adoptee... @languagetraveladoptee... Language Wellness and Identity Podcast ... --- Send in a voice message:

Om Podcasten

The Actual Fluency Podcast features inspirational stories from world-class language learners, industry experts, and regular people who embraced multilingualism in one way or another. In the episodes we dive deep down in the why that pushed people to learn a new language, the how to figure out how they best achieved it, and of course a lot of great stories of the experiences that speaking multiple languages can bring to people's lives. We also talk about apps, methodology, and education to try and find ways to shorten the path to mastery.