39: Stress testing dependency management

Swift Package Indexing - Ein Podcast von Dave Verwer and Sven A. Schmidt

It's 2024, and Dave and Sven are back to talk plans for the Swift Package Index development over the coming year. They also talk about a light-hearted but also accidentally disastrous recent event in the npm package ecosystem, plans around how the Swift Package Index will approach Swift 6 support, and of course more package recommendations!  NewsWhen "Everything" Becomes Too Much by Feross AboukhadijehPackagesswift-gopher by Navan ChauhanThe Web Before the WebWikipedia: Gopher (protocol)package-benchmark by Joakim HassilaOn percentiles: Wikipedia: Seven-number summaryGil Tene: Dispelling standard deviationPlusNightMode by Daniel Lyonswebsocket-actor-system by Stuart A. Malone

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