Ep 98: Voddie Baucham: The Real Meaning of the Joseph Story

If you think you know what the story of Joseph in the Bible is about, you may want to think again. In this episode Charity shares a sermon by Voddie Baucham who delivers a wonderful teaching on the deeper, often overlooked meaning of the Joseph story. But, fair warning... this may change your whole paradigm on what you think of God's promise and how He keeps it.  (And it's so, so good!)For more content (or to put a face to a voice), check out our YouTube channel!

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We are a community of mothers, single women, entrepreneurs, leaders, students, coffee lovers, tea drinkers and artists who all love and follow Jesus Christ. We are fearless in our pursuit of Him, cutting through the lies of culture to find the truth of the gospel. Join us for a time of encouragement and learning. You are welcome here, just as you are.