Ep 96: Believing in Boundaries with Stephanie Jordon

Get ready to have an honest conversation - full of depth and laughter - with Stephanie Jordon. Mother of nine (yes, NINE) kids, author of Believing in Boundaries and A Dose of Reality (2nd edition coming soon), Stephanie is full of wisdom, honesty, and love.  You will glean from her experiences and see her heart of love - all of which will make you want to be her best friend in about five minutes flat.Here's a little more about this amazing woman: Stephanie Jordon has been married, divorced, widowed and remarried. She owns a salon company and a publishing company. In addition, she is a teacher, speaker, and author.  And, if that's not enough, she has been a cosmetologist for 24 years and self employed for 21 years. As she puts it: I love people and adventures. I ride my own motorcycle and create art. I am absolutely madly in love with God and I love to share about His faithfulness and endless grace and mercy. I believe knowing Him is knowing full spectrum of character. Find her book: Believing in BoundariesFor more content (or to put a face to a voice), check out our YouTube channel!

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We are a community of mothers, single women, entrepreneurs, leaders, students, coffee lovers, tea drinkers and artists who all love and follow Jesus Christ. We are fearless in our pursuit of Him, cutting through the lies of culture to find the truth of the gospel. Join us for a time of encouragement and learning. You are welcome here, just as you are.