Ep 94: Should We Call Other Christians Out?

Should we call out other Christians on things? Is so, what things? If we are "all sinners" whose to say you can call ANYONE on ANYTHING?Calling other Christians on their errors is hard. And easy to avoid. And, although it should never be taken lightly, it seems that our modern church culture has created a vortex of NEVER calling anyone out on errors - be it personal attacks, misunderstandings, or theological fallacies. But what does the Bible say?  The Bible says many things about us holding others followers of Christ to His standard. The word most often used is accountability.  And it's a word many people misunderstand to be judgmental. In this podcast we discuss a specific instance where a misleading (at best) thing was said by a minister and the reality that the Bible is very clear on how we are to handle it.#christian #ruslan #motherhood #gossip #honesty #truth #moralityFor more content (or to put a face to a voice), check out our YouTube channel!

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We are a community of mothers, single women, entrepreneurs, leaders, students, coffee lovers, tea drinkers and artists who all love and follow Jesus Christ. We are fearless in our pursuit of Him, cutting through the lies of culture to find the truth of the gospel. Join us for a time of encouragement and learning. You are welcome here, just as you are.