Ep 80: Body Parts Need to Stick Together

We've all been there... someone in church drives you crazy. Or people just don't "get" you in your small group. Maybe you feel one way about a scripture and your friend disagrees... no matter what it is, those we are following Christ are meant to represent Him and be His "body". Sure, we all have different talents, gifts and even perspectives, but, does that give us carte blanche to just write of people or denominations we disagree with? Does "church hurt" mean we simply walk away from humans who go to church? And does stepping into a church mean you are now part of the body?Let's get into what scripture says about community, the body of Christ, and how we are to stick together, even if we disagree.  (Albeit, we are to talk things out...).For more content (or to put a face to a voice), check out our YouTube channel!

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We are a community of mothers, single women, entrepreneurs, leaders, students, coffee lovers, tea drinkers and artists who all love and follow Jesus Christ. We are fearless in our pursuit of Him, cutting through the lies of culture to find the truth of the gospel. Join us for a time of encouragement and learning. You are welcome here, just as you are.