Story from Scratch #31: Make Action Scenes Engaging Again
Story from Scratch - Ein Podcast von Fantasy writers Yale Wang and Justin Dill
In this long-awaited, highly-anticipated episode, Yale and Justin discuss the secret to GOOD ACTION, an element many stories fail to deliver in a compelling way. Justin gives his theory on how to make actions carry weight, something Yale struggles with (so really, he should shut his mouth and listen for once). The conversation eventually leads to a stroll through the history of good action scenes. Comparisons to anime are inevitably made. Justin's theories turn out to be actually great advice to writers, so tune in to learn more! The From Scratch segment for the story STRANDED was omitted in favour of more in-depth discussion! --- Those who have been long-time followers will know that we've been on a dreadful hiatus. But, fear not! During this time of global crisis, we will do our part and are looking at a return in the near future. Stay tuned! IG: @storyfromscratchpodcast Twitter: @storyFscratch