How Do I Know if I'm an Alcoholic?

Alison Broderick and Matt Erwin are both in long-term recovery. Matt was Alison’s DUI course instructor. At the time, Alison didn’t think she was an alcoholic, but was intrigued with the course material. She stayed in touch with Matt after the class was over. She would reach out to Matt as she continued to have questions about her drinking. They discuss the journey Alison took to accepting her powerlessness over alcohol and the freedom that acceptance eventually brought her.   

Om Podcasten

Gripping, raw, and honest firsthand accounts of the desperation of alcoholism, drug addiction, and codependency, along with the moving recollections of the hope, connection, and peace found through the miracle of 12 Step Recovery. Produced by MARR Addiction Treatment Centers, a non-profit treatment facility founded in 1975 in Atlanta, GA.