A Scholarship Helped Me Come Back

In this episode we hear from Nicole T., a medical professional who went through MARR when she was 19 years old, long before her career started. Later, as her career was getting going, she relapsed and stayed active in her alcoholism and addiction for 3 years. Her parents wanted to send her back to MARR but hadn’t reach out yet, unsure whether they would be able to afford the program. However, the family unexpectedly heard from MARR during this crisis and they were offered a scholarship. Today we will hear Nicole’s story of how she ended up coming back to MARR and getting back into recovery. We will also hear from Gigi Barnes, the woman who was working at MARR, who happened to reach out to Nicole’s family during this time. This is the first episode that we weren’t able to record in the studio because of the COVID-19 restrictions, so you might notice a difference in the audio quality. This episode is also specially highlighting our Annual Fund Campaign. One of our goals this year is to raise money for our scholarship fund so people like Nicole can come to treatment, even if they don’t have all the resources to pay for it. Last year we gave out 56 scholarships to help people come to MARR. If you would like to pitch in, you can donate through our website. 

Om Podcasten

Gripping, raw, and honest firsthand accounts of the desperation of alcoholism, drug addiction, and codependency, along with the moving recollections of the hope, connection, and peace found through the miracle of 12 Step Recovery. Produced by MARR Addiction Treatment Centers, a non-profit treatment facility founded in 1975 in Atlanta, GA.