Episode 182 SHAKE THE SHEETS by TED LEO & THE PHARMACISTS with David Combs (of Bad Moves)
SPINNING OUT PODCAST - Ein Podcast von Josh Robbins

Spinning Out (another music podcast) We talk to artists about their favorite albums and go on wild tangents. This week on the pod we're joined by David Combs of Bad Moves and also of Dim Wizard. We're talking about Ted Leo & the Pharmacists' fourth studio album, Shake the Sheets. Which is actually 20 years old. We chat a lot about growing up in the DC area, the meaning of lyrics and politics in music. David's band Bad Moves just released a new single, "Let the Rats Inherit the Earth." It's really good. Check it out at... https://badmoves.bandcamp.com/track/let-the-rats-inherit-the-earth https://dimwizard.bandcamp.com/ Subscribe to our Patreon here: www.patreon.com/spinningoutpod Follow us on social media -- twitter and instagram (@Spinningoutpod)