Episode 109 SAM'S TOWN by THE KILLERS with Cody Votolato (JR Slayer)

SPINNING OUT PODCAST - Ein Podcast von Josh Robbins


Spinning Out (another music podcast) We talk to artists about their favorite albums and go on wild tangents. Today we're talking with Cody Votolato of JR Slayer (and previously of Blood Brothers). We talked about The Killers' second album "Sam's Town" and the myth of the sophomore slump. We also talk about learning to be more open minded about music and trying to squash ego so you can be a better musician, bandmate and partner. His current project, JR Slayer recently released their newest EP, "Not Rotten." on Memory Music. Check that out right now wherever you stream music. https://jrslayer.bandcamp.com/album/not-rotten Subscribe to our Patreon here: www.patreon.com/spinningoutpod Follow us on social media -- twitter and instagram (@Spinningoutpod)

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