Episode 108 GRIEVOUS ANGEL by GRAM PARSONS with Paisley Fields

SPINNING OUT PODCAST - Ein Podcast von Josh Robbins


Spinning Out (another music podcast) We talk to artists about their favorite albums and go on wild tangents. Today we're talking with Paisley Fields. We talked about Gram Parsons' final album "Grievous Angel." We talk about how even as well known as Parsons' music seems to be, why he seems to still be something people have to dig a little for, when compared to his peers. We also talk about queer culture and identity in country music, which is still rooted in a fairly heteronormative tradition. Paisley Fields released "Limp Wrist" recently on Don Giovanni Records. Check that out now on streaming or head over to his bandcamp and pick up vinyl from this phenomenal new album! https://paisleyfields.bandcamp.com/album/limp-wrist Subscribe to our Patreon here: www.patreon.com/spinningoutpod Follow us on social media -- twitter and instagram (@Spinningoutpod)

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