【Travel】🇫🇷 L'arc de Triomphe|Learn French with Baba|跟著Baba學法文

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🇫🇷Learn French with Baba! 🧸Native French speaker 📝A2-B2, made for intermediate French learners ⁝ Baba was born and raised in Rhône-Alpes, a region in southeast France. Soirée avec Baba (Evening with Baba) is a channel dedicated to reading famous French literature and sharing history, fun facts, culture and more topics in French for everyone who aspires to learn and practice French. ⁝ Baba在法國東南部的Rhône-Alpes出生長大,Soirée avec Baba (與Baba共度夜晚) 是個朗讀著名法國文學、用法文分享歷史、趣事、文化和各種主題的頻道,希望幫助所有有志學習法文的人。