Counterculture 1.09 Has the Feminist Civil War alienated women?

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[Recorded prior to the UK government's imposition of social distancing measures to combat the spread of coronavirus.] Is there "good" and "bad" feminism? According to today's "4th wave" feminists there is. They seem keen to shut down critical debate on certain issues (such as the #MeToo movement, gender pay gap and trans rights) -- even where those being shut down include leading figures in the traditional feminist movement (e.g. Germaine Greer, Julie Bindell etc.). Traditional feminism sought to empower women to take control of their destiny, assert themselves and personally battle misogyny. Modern feminism, by contrast, seems to suggest that women are victims who need protections as they are incapable of defending or advancing their own interests. Does this mean that women are being infantilized, their agency to negotiate their social and sexual engagements removed? Have today's "4th wave feminists" created a hostile environment which alienates the majority of women? Joining Marc Sidwell on this week's #NCFCounterculture are 4 women champions of free speech who appear frequently on television and radio to debate and discuss current affairs: * Emily Carver of the Institute of Economic Affairs. * Claire Fox, founder of the Institute of Ideas and former M.E.P. for the Brexit Party. * Lionel Shriver, novelist and journalist best known for her novel "We Need To Talk About Kevin", which one the Orange Prize in 2005. * Ella Whelan assistant editor at spiked, specialising in the relationship between free speech, feminism and women's liberation.

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