Roxy & The Doctor - Ep. 8

In today’s episode, Roxy takes us through her journey of love and loss while taking ownership of her own actions around infidelity and lack of self-love that ultimately led to the end of a romantic relationship. From this story, we see a young, naive, sweet, and endearing Roxy slowly transform into a more self-aware, self-loving, and mature woman. She continues to fight for her voice, mental wellness, and happiness and we cannot help but root for her.

Om Podcasten

Welcome to So This is Love, a podcast about love, the loss of love, heartbreak and the meeting of self. We share stories on how the relationships we once had teach us about who we are and define who we become. And maybe through these stories, we can answer that age old question; is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?