95 – Russian Composers. Part 1 – Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Slow Russian - Ein Podcast von Daria Molchanova

If you want to support my work, you can do it in one of these ways: Patreon – http://patreon.com/realrussianclub Slow Russian Podcast Transcript and audio download for $20 – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/courses/slowrussian Join my free email course with A LOT of useful materials for self-learning – http://realrussianclub.com/subscribe My premium step-by-step course for Russian language learners – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/ Get all three levels together and save $102 – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/bundles/all-of-from-zero-to-fluency UNDERSTANDING RUSSIA (cultural course, no knowledge of Russian language required)– https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/courses/understanding-russia Спасибо! Dear friends, don't forget to read the full text so you don't miss anything: В возрасте пяти лет Пётр начал учиться играть на фортепиано. В 1865 году Чайковский окончил с отличием консерваторию — получил диплом и серебряную медаль. В Москве в 1866 году Чайковский сочинил первую симфонию под названием "Зимние грезы" и первую оперу “Воевода". Композитор стал новатором в области балета, где главным компонентом балетной драматургии стала музыка. Он создал балеты "Лебединое озеро" (1876), "Спящая красавица" (1889), "Щелкунчик" (1892). 6 ноября 1893 года композитор скончался от холеры. Он похоронен в Александро-Невской лавре в Санкт-Петербурге. Text in English At the age of five, Peter began to learn to play the piano. In 1865, Tchaikovsky graduated with honors from the Conservatory – he received diploma and a silver medal. In Moscow in 1866, Tchaikovsky composed his first symphony entitled “Winter Dreams” and the first opera “Voevoda”. The composer became an innovator in the field of ballet, where music became the main component of ballet drama. He created the ballets “Swan Lake” (1876), “The Sleeping Beauty” (1889), “The Nutcracker” (1892). On November 6 1893, the composer died of cholera. He was buried at the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg. ❤️❤️❤️ If you want to support my work, you can do it in one of these ways: Patreon – http://patreon.com/realrussianclub Slow Russian Podcast Transcript and audio download for $20 – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/courses/slowrussian Join my free email course with A LOT of useful materials for self-learning – http://realrussianclub.com/subscribe My premium step-by-step course for Russian language learners – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/ Get all three levels together and save $102 – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/bundles/all-of-from-zero-to-fluency UNDERSTANDING RUSSIA (cultural course, no knowledge of Russian language required)– https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/courses/understanding-russia Спасибо!