100 – Why I love Russian
Slow Russian - Ein Podcast von Daria Molchanova

Russian language is incredibly beautiful, thank you so much for learning it with me :) Slow Russian Podcast Transcript and audio download for $20 – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/courses/slowrussian Join my free email course with A LOT of useful materials for self-learning – http://realrussianclub.com/subscribe My premium step-by-step course for Russian language learners – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/ Get all three levels together and save $102 – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/bundles/all-of-from-zero-to-fluency UNDERSTANDING RUSSIA (cultural course, no knowledge of Russian language required)– https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/courses/understanding-russia Here is the test in Russian and English. Почему я люблю русский язык? Есть множество причин, по которым я люблю русский язык. Вот несколько из них: Прежде всего, красота русского языка заключается в его мелодичности и выразительности. Каждое слово как бы обладает ритмичностью, как если бы оно было лирическим произведением. Страстные интонации доставляют удовольствие и слушать, и говорить. К тому же русская литература славится своей глубиной и сложностью, и, выучив язык, я могу погрузиться в произведения Толстого, Достоевского и Пушкина в их первоначальном виде. Русский язык открывает двери в литературный мир, обширный, глубокий, наполненный глубокими эмоциями и философскими размышлениями. Кроме того, русский язык позволяет заглянуть в яркую и разнообразную культуру. Это позволяет мне общаться с людьми, понимать их историю и ценить их традиции. Translation: There are numerous reasons why I find myself in love with the Russian language. Here are a few of them: First and foremost, the beauty of Russian lies in its melodic and expressive nature. Each word seems to possess a rhythmic quality as if it were a lyrical composition. The way the language rolls off the tongue and the passionate intonations it allows for make it a delight to listen to and speak. Moreover, Russian literature is renowned for its depth and complexity, and by learning the language, I am able to immerse myself in the works of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and Pushkin in their original form. The Russian language opens the doors to a literary world that is vast, profound, and filled with profound emotions and philosophical musings. Additionally, the Russian language offers a fascinating glimpse into a vibrant and diverse culture. It allows me to connect with the people, understand their history, and appreciate their traditions. Slow Russian Podcast Transcript and audio download for $20 – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/courses/slowrussian Join my free email course with A LOT of useful materials for self-learning – http://realrussianclub.com/subscribe My premium step-by-step course for Russian language learners – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/ Get all three levels together and save $102 – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/bundles/all-of-from-zero-to-fluency UNDERSTANDING RUSSIA (cultural course, no knowledge of Russian language required)– https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/courses/understanding-russia