Spending $5,000 on Sports Cards in 1 HOUR! PWCC Weekly Auction #78

SlabStox Sports Card Trading - Ein Podcast von SlabStox


Aaron and Julian spend $5,000 on the PWCC Weekly Auction, with all cards being purchased as a donation by PWCC. The cards will be re-sold in Auction #80 (July 30), and all of the sales will be donated to Camp Kesem! For PWCC Vault transfers for Camp Kesem: eyJpdiI6InpDeFBETTEvM1VYNTRJUDBabHAxSlE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoieGJ6c2syWDR3eUFhRExtOE5FVlhlQT09IiwibWFjIjoiZjkwOGZiMTkyYmExZTRmMDY4YzFjYmNlMGMyYWZmOWFhYjcxYzZlMTg2MTA1NzAxNzBhMDVjYTBjN2U1YjkzNyIsInRhZyI6IiJ9 Bid in the PWCC Weekly Auction now: https://pwccmarketplace.pxf.io/oqn45b Sign-up for The Daily Slab newsletter: https://www.slabstox.com Grade your cards with SlabStox x SGC Grading: https://www.slabstox.com/grading Create your Card Ladder account here: https://app.cardladder.com/signup?via=slabstox - All-time sales history | Sales data from 14 sources | Track your collection.

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