Is This The Opportunity of a Lifetime for a Young Investor? | *Surprise* AskSkylerLive #80

Surprise Ask Skyler Live answering your questions Live on Facebook.

- Is this the opportunity of a Lifetime for a young investor?
- Are stocks that benefit from the virus too hot to get in on now
- Is it safe to start buying stocks?
- Is Podcasting a legitimate business model or tool to support other business efforts

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Om Podcasten

"The #1 Podcast for Small Business Owners!" This is the podcast that helps you narrow your focus and grow your small business. Stay up to date with the latest trends, tech, and tips, as well as guidance to ignore the shiny objects that get in the way of real progress. Hosted by Skyler Irvine, this podcast features interviews with business owners and entrepreneurs who have succeeded by narrowing their focus. Have you ever felt overwhelmed by all the noise? Then it's time to Niche, Please!