
Pizza gate! What is it?  What is it NOT?  Is any of it true?  In this episode we share how this might not be as far fetched as you think, and give real life examples of similar things that have be tried in court.The audio versions of Skinwalker Radio episodes will always be free, but the video content is only available from Patreon with a $1 subscription.  This helps us offset the cost of the program and helps the show grow.  If you like the show consider becoming a patron and get an all access pass at the same time! Become a Patron!

Om Podcasten

Skinwalker Radio is a paranormal variety show. We bring you an objective look into the world of the paranormal using facts, logic, reason, science, and religion. Expect topics such as Skinwalker ranch, UFOs, conspiracy theories, spooky stories from the woods, and much more. If you would like access to the videos and additional content, please just us on Patreon Become a Patron!