#校友信箱 - Ep.2 Smelly clothes and finding love

❗️未滿18歲禁止收聽❗️ 🎤 主持人:Yu 和 Kei 🎥 剪輯:Yu #單數月播出主系列-聽聽大家的性愛故事 #雙數月播出校友信箱-解決你的約會困擾 【女子杯 - 陪伴你進入月亮杯的世界】 使用折扣碼【SOS】享55折優惠 👉 https://bit.ly/2XGL6qv 【Shout Out Sex 無性不談官方網站頁面】 👉 https://bit.ly/3J7b2gw What makes something a red flag versus a deal breaker in a relationship? Is it okay for you when your dates wear the same clothes for several days in a row? What are the most important views and values of you? Please think of two things that make you definitely will or will not want to marry the person you are dating and share them with us. P.S. 📬校友是Shout Out Sex粉絲的暱稱,「校」= 「Shout」,跟你念哪間學校一點關係都沒有歐!🙈 ► 重點精選 (00:01:25) Wearing the same jeans for 7 consecutive days… (00:07:25) Are we sharing the same values? (00:13:55) When should we talk about the values? (00:20:35) Can you see the future with them? ► 追蹤我們|獲得第一手資訊 Instagram:@shout.out.sex Facebook:Shout Out Sex 無性不談 ► 聯繫我們 [email protected] ✅ 喜歡我們的頻道嗎? 別忘了訂閱、評分, 或者是留下評論,讓我們變得更好! 🎵音樂使用 Bedtime After A Coffee by Barradeen Powered by Firstory Hosting

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這是一個有關於「性」與「愛」的頻道,我們想要邀請各式各樣的人來聊聊他或她在性愛旅程上發生過的大小事。 不管你是什麼樣的人、擁有什麼樣的性觀念,都歡迎你和我們一起 Shout Out Sex ! 欲參與錄製、抖內辛苦的茶YU、了解最新消息 ► 請進入官網: https://nuzicup.com/pages/shout-out-sex-podcast 無性不談,你 IN 了嗎? Powered by Firstory Hosting