91. Unlocking Your Inner Calm: Five Golden Nuggets for Nervous System Regulation with Dr. Rhysa Sisco

In today’s episode of the podcast, I have Dr. Rhysa Sisco with me. She is a life and business empowerment mentor who has helped hundreds of people transform their lives by resetting their relationship with money, releasing limiting beliefs, and attracting abundance to live a life of alignment and freedom. Our conversation is a captivating journey through the intricacies of the nervous system and its profound impact on our lives. This episode delves into Rhysa's personal childhood experiences, marked by trauma and illness, and how these experiences ultimately led her to a deep understanding of the nervous system's role in our well-being.   Dr. Rhysa's storytelling about her nine-year-old self navigating her mother's cancer diagnosis is both heart-wrenching and inspiring. Her resilience in the face of adversity and her journey to unlock the secrets of the nervous system provide a powerful backdrop for the episode. As Rhysa introduces her color-coded emotional regulation triangle, listeners gain a valuable tool to navigate their own emotions and understand the profound connection between trauma, emotions, and physical health.   The conversation takes an enlightening turn as Dr. Rhysa discusses intergenerational trauma and its far-reaching effects. Her insights into the body's innate response mechanisms, the impact of past traumas, and the importance of regulating the nervous system are nothing short of revolutionary. Listeners will walk away with a newfound appreciation for the body's wisdom and a deeper understanding of how emotional regulation can lead to personal transformation. This podcast episode promises to be a thought-provoking and transformative experience for anyone seeking to unlock the secrets of their own nervous system and break free from the shackles of past traumas.     Here are the golden nuggets from Dr. Rhysa on how to regulate your nervous system:   Identify Your Current State: Understand and identify the state you're in—green, red, yellow, blue, or purple—before building a toolbox of regulation tools that match that state. Have a Toolbox for Each State: Create specific toolboxes for each state (e.g., calmer tools for yellow, more engaging tools for purple) to regulate your nervous system effectively. Practice Tools When Calm: Practice using regulation tools when you're calm, as it's ineffective to introduce new tools when you're dysregulated. Your body craves predictability and safety in those states. Look at What You're Already Doing: Recognize that you're already using tools unknowingly. Tools are sensory-based and can include everyday activities or experiences that signal safety to your nervous system. Tools Don't Have to Take Long: Tools can be quick and simple, taking as little as three seconds, and don't need to be time-consuming. They can be effective in regulating your nervous system in various situations. Connect with Dr. Rhysa:  Link to Regulation Quiz: bit.ly/regulationquiz Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/regulatewithrhysa/ Sign up here: https://regulatewithrhysa.systeme.io/moneyblocks?sa=sa010904629242744ba04493f2c856a807f672c597   #ComissionsEarned   Connect with me: Email: [email protected] Business Website: www.donutprincessla.com YouTube: Mayly Tao / DONUT PRINCESS LA Instagram: @donutprincessla / @maylytao Facebook: Donut Princess Los Angeles Twitter: Donut Princess LA Tiktok: teochewdaily LinkedIn: Mayly Tao Apple Podcast: Short N' Sweet: A Donut Princess Podcast *Help me self-publish my mom’s book about her journey to America: https://gofund.me/e2569649 *Watch the Donut King Film here: thedonutkingfilm.com (also available on Apple TV, Google Play, and Amazon Prime Now)  

Om Podcasten

Mayly Tao is a Teochew, Khmer, and Thai first generation Asian American woman based out of Southern California who is the host of Short & Sweet Podcast. She explores themes relating to women empowerment, entrepreneurs, and uplifting and highlighting AAPI stories. She shares a fresh outlook on a variety of topics, sharing anecdotes regarding small business, systems, branding, and partnerships from her experience of owning her own bakery and multiple businesses. She brings on guests in a variety of industries, including women in tech, cannabis, philanthropy, and much more. At the end of her podcast, she has her guests share five golden nuggets or takeaway messages to her listeners. You can support her here: https://linktr.ee/maylytao Mayly Tao is LA’s self-proclaimed Donut Princess, owner of Donut Princess Los Angeles, a donut bouquet delivery concept. You can find her ”Securing the Box” at @donutprincessla. She stars in the Donut King Documentary, as seen on Hulu and across domestic flights across the US. Her uncle, Ted Ngoy, sponsored hundreds of Cambodians to come to America and helped them manage and own their own donut shops. She also has her own YouTube where she visits Cambodian-owned donut shops and highlights their stories. She hopes to elevate Asian American voices and representation and vows to create a legacy for the next generation of Asian Americans.