Slik bygger du prosesser, OKR, kultur og kommunikasjon i et selskap i vekst med Audrey Camp, ex- Cognite

Audrey Camp var en nøkkelbrikke i å skalere selskapet Cognite, som ble gründet av John Markus Lervik og Aker BP. I denne episoden diskuterer vi viktigheten av kommunikasjon og ikke minst hvordan man skal kommunisere i en organisasjon. Hun knytter dette til hvordan man strukturerer opp OKR-er, og tar oss gjennom steg for steg i å sette dem opp. 0:00:41 Introduction to Audrey Camp and her background0:04:54 Communication as the most important skill for leaders0:08:50 Creating a Why and Alienating Employees0:14:44 Vision vs. Mission: Achieving a Future Together0:18:47 Clear Vision and Mission: Attracting Talent and Building Success0:22:08 Creating Values that Everyone Can Agree On0:27:04 Engaging Activities to Foster Team Collaboration0:30:20 Transitioning from Vision and Mission to Concrete Goals0:33:39 Setting Stretchy Objectives: Examples and Importance0:39:34 Leadership and the Importance of Goals and Communication0:45:25 Implementing OKRs and Training Coaches0:48:53 Learning as the Most Important Part of OKRs0:52:19 The Power of Goal Management and Storytelling0:56:27 The role of an OKR coach in an organization1:03:04 Siloing and Communication Struggles: The Danger of Suboptimization1:06:45 Mitigating Communication Challenges: The Importance of Perspective1:10:26 Taking responsibility as a leader and addressing challenges collaboratively.1:13:44 Quarterly all-hands calls for goal alignment, accountability, and team unity.1:17:15 Culture as the Sum of Beliefs, Values, and BehaviorsProgramleder: Lucas Weldeghebriel, journalist og gründer i Shifter. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Om Podcasten

Her møter vi ledere, gründere og fagfolk som gir interessante perspektiver på dagens og fremtidens næringsliv. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.