287 - My 3 Huge Takeaways From Our Sedona Retreat

This year’s Sedona Retreat was one of the most profound experiences of my life. And although it was a week ago, I have been sitting quiet with my thoughts and the experience as I decompress before bringing this episode to you. I continue to give myself permission to record when I’m inspired to share something with you, which was a tough concept for me to get over, but it feels so right. So, today, I’m sharing my three biggest takeaways from the retreat and an announcement you don’t want to miss.   Show Notes: [1:41] - It was tough for Elyse to give herself permission to record when I’m inspired. [3:33] - We are too busy and there is too much content out there for us to listen and see content that isn’t inspired. [7:00] - Elyse and her husband have been back from the Sedona Retreat for about a week and have had time to decompress. [8:29] - Elyse shares the team members and their energy during the retreat to help facilitate the event. [10:27] - Honor what your body needs, especially when it comes to rest. [11:14] - Continue to allow yourself to dream bigger. [13:21] - So often we don’t see ourselves. Other people may see us and think we have it all together. We don’t always get to experience all the things we’ve created. [15:15] - Follow the nudges of your heart and continue to expand the container of what is possible for you. No one is going to come pick you. You have to pick yourself. [17:16] - Having her husband and son with her during the retreat was something really special and changed her perspective. [20:09] - The retreat was special and luxurious at the location in Sedona. [21:22] - Elyse shares the experience with flying out and the drama of it all. [23:04] - Get yourself in environments that feel expansive to you.  [25:13] - There is real magic going on in the She Sells community right now that Elyse is blown away by. [26:47] - One commonality between the women in this group felt like they didn’t have quality female friendships prior to becoming a part of this community. [28:02] - It is crucial for you, in your quantum leaps, to step into the ability to receive. [30:42] - There’s no number or goal that signifies that you’ve “made it”. Everyone has different steps in their journey. [32:14] - When you are in a community with people who are driving their goals, it can speak to and activate a part inside of you that has felt uncomfortable saying what you actually want and going for it. [34:35] - There is so much power in being seen and supported in a community. [36:12] - During the retreat, Elyse taught the elements of quantum leaps. [38:30] - The framework she created as a result of the quantum leaps she has experienced in her life is what she teaches using evidence from her life. [40:23] - It is important to trust your own consciousness. [41:10] - The quantum leap isn’t about working harder or for more hours. [42:22] - When you can ask yourself questions from the perspective of someone else, you will be able to think in your goal. [44:35] - We need to be very disciplined on how we think and the questions we ask ourselves. [46:32] - It’s not about checking boxes and doing more of the same. No one has time for that. If you are ready for a big shift, it’s about shifting the way you think. [47:56] - Elyse is expanding the way she creates for the community and has recorded the retreat. This will be opened up as an on-demand course. [50:12] - Elyse describes some new offering and sale prices that can be found here: https://elysearcher.com/quantumleapcourse.    Links and Resources: Your First Six Figures Masterclass  Join the $10K Club Apply for the $50K Club  ElyseArcher.com DM me on Instagram @elysearcher

Om Podcasten

What if Grant Cardone and Abraham Hicks had a love child? Well, it would be this podcast. Each week, join Elyse Archer, mentor to female business owners and sales professionals, as she shares strategies and ideas on how to sell in a way that feels natural and aligned for you as a woman, break through the six or seven figure income mark, and use your money in a way that creates real, positive change in the world. Because when women make more money, everyone wins. If you’re looking for actionable advice on how to grow your business and sales while stepping into your true personal power, this is the show for you!