237 | The Wizard of Ho’s: Madam Bella Cummins’ Sex Stories

Is there a truck stop where you can get picked up and taken to a brothel? Madam Bella prides herself on connecting with and uplifting both her clients and her ladies–and loves that everyone remembers their visits to her courtesan-focused house. She walks through what an experience at Bella’s would be from start to finish, down to how to get there, and shares how she interviews prospective ladies. She tells Wyoh about couples and singles coming in, the girlfriend experience, client preferences, experimentation, early origins in selling herself and becoming a madam, the changes she’s seen in the sex work industry, long haul truckers and the resurgence of CB radios, and a hot domme with black stilettos. Bella loves spending time with her horse Beauty and celebrates her ongoing efforts to advocate and support sex workers. 📈 STATS | Owner and operator of Bella’s Hacienda Ranch, a legal brothel located in Wells, Nevada. Madam Bella founded and funds the Onesta Foundation, an action group with a mission to support Nevada sex workers and advocate for prostitution legalization throughout the United States. 🔗 GUEST LINKS |  https://bellas.us/about-us/ / Twitter: @bellashacienda / https://onestafoundation.org/  🔓PATREON | Secret updates & exclusive stories from Wyoh’s whorearchy and bucket list explorations + the Sex Stories community discord: patreon.com/wyohlee  🔥ONLYFANS | See *every* detail of Wyoh’s bucket list explorations: onlyfans.com/wyohlee or unlock one-by-one: onlyfans.com/wyohfree  🎙️BE A GUEST, SHARE A STORY, ASK A QUESTION | Record up to five minutes at sexstoriespodcast.com ⚡️ WORK WITH WYOH | Explore (y)our creativity wyohlee.com/links  🙌🌎🥰✨🍑💦🍆💦😈 REMEMBER TO SHARE SEX STORIES!!!!!

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Want more love in your world? Obsessed with understanding human connection? Everyday people and industry professionals share their sex-related thoughts, experiences, desires and wisdom so that we may all learn from, inspire and connect with one another with our beautiful human creativity. The goal? For us all to lead better-laid lives—whatever that means to each of us—and to co-create a world where taking care of each other is the norm. Cause it's way too shamey and blamey and full of judgement right now. Let's spread ripples of love. Submit your questions or (short, real) stories to Wyoh by emailing [email protected]. Apply to be a guest or ask your partner all the Sex Stories questions at sexstoriespodcast.com. To learn about and/or create with extremely curious host Wyoh Lee, visit wyohlee.com.