82: Girl Boners, Eating Disorders + Sex, and Why Masturbation Matters with August Mclaughlin

Sex Love Psychedelics - Ein Podcast von Dr. Cat Meyer - Donnerstags

Can a girl have a boner? Well we know from Cardi B we can have a WAP! Due to the poor education + mass misinformation around how our sexuality works, we may not be experiencing our most optimal sexual pleasure. August Mclaughlin, author of Girl Boner, is here to shed some light on topics that are often left out in the sex education conversation. She gets real, sharing her personal stories of how her relationship with eating disorders impacted her sexuality in youth, discovered masturbation at the age of 30, what it means to have a sexual privilege in our society. In this episode you’ll here: Why having a masturbation practice is important for our sexual + mental health, even if you have a partner Common resistances + strategies to expand your masturbation practice to improve your overall sexual satisfaction August’s take on Cardi B’s WAP + how she sees its influence in our culture on female sexuality + educating our youth What sexual privilege is + how we may unknowingly be perpetuating through disempowering statements on sex August Mclaughlin + Dr Cat share their own personal experiences with overcoming eating disorders + how this had impacted their libido, orgasms, + relationships. Developing skills around consent in everyday life + activating the power of your voice to create the life, love, + sex life you desire. August Mclaughlin even answers some of your listener’s questions including: How to approach the Madonna Whore complex as it pertains to a partner Advice on raising a daughter to be sex positive How to overcome the trauma of a partner body shaming you in sex THE SKINNY ON OUR SEXY EXPERT August McLaughlin is a noted health and sexuality writer, media personality and podcast host and producer, best known for her Girl Boner podcast and book series. Her articles have appeared in Cosmopolitan, The Washington Post, HuffPost and more and her expertise has been featured in a range of major media outlets, including O: The Oprah Magazine, Forbes, Shape and Bustle. Known for melding personal passion, artistry and activism, August uses her skills to encourage others to embrace their bodies, sexuality and selves, making way for fuller, more authentic lives. Find out more about her, grab her books, + connect with her podcast: AugustMclaughlin.com Or hit her up on Instagram @girlbonermedia , facebook.com/mygirlboner , + Twitter: @augustmclaughlin WANT MORE? Come discover your inner sex kitten! Download my FREE audio guide here: https://sexloveyoga.mykajabi.com/skf Check out SexLoveYoga.com for more juicy articles, guides, erotic audio stories, + more! Want to work with me through group coaching? Sign up to be a part of CREATE with world class facilitators including Dr Cat teaching In.body Sexploration. Use discount code: DRCAT https://thecreatecommunity.com/pages/premium-classes I LOVE reading your reviews in iTunes, it helps me gain points in the podcast stratosphere!  To leave me a review for the podcast, open Eat Play Sex in iTunes your phone + give me those juicy words. I so appreciate you. <3

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