65: Friendship with Our Exes: Good Idea? with Dr. Cat

Sex Love Psychedelics - Ein Podcast von Dr. Cat Meyer - Donnerstags

Is it a good idea to become friends with our exes? In this episode I muse about my thoughts about forming friendships after the partnership has ended. What are some of the considerations we need to make? I share with you the reasons why it would be a bad idea and then how it could be good. You’ll hear some of my own personal insights from relationships that did evolve into the best friendships while others withered in the wind.   In this episode you’ll hear: How our attachment systems and strategies can contribute to an unhealthy friendship match made What we need to have in place before we say yes to a continuing friendship Signs to look out for that this isn’t going to fare well. Three tips on navigating with more ease. Why time is an important factor in the split and your mutual well-being Suggested statements to make that will help the transition.   Join me in the Mayan Jungles of Tulum Novmeber 12-17 as we embark on a 6 day women's re-wilding experience! Check out UndoneYoga.com/retreats and sign up today!  WANT MORE? Come discover your inner sex kitten! Download my FREE audio guide here: https://sexloveyoga.mykajabi.com/skf Check out SexLoveYoga.com for more juicy articles, guides, erotic audio stories, + more! Want to work with me through group coaching? Sign up to be a part of CREATE with world class facilitators including Dr Cat teaching In.body Sexploration. Use discount code: DRCAT https://thecreatecommunity.com/pages/premium-classes  

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